Are U At The Right Place

I fully believe we are always where we are supposed to be at all times. I also believe we are supposed to be in a state of constant education and experiences and movement.

I used to say that we stay in situations too long. I have changed it to, we stay in situations until something clicks and we are ready (or forced) to change. We can get “used” to our current spot, even though we aren’t happy there, and stay in it. It is what we know. Sometimes we are hoping for things to change for the better, or what WE think will be better for us. But usually it is time for us to move on and we don’t want to face that completely.

The unknown is scary.

I love when the universe works in our best interest and creates a whirling dervish of issues that are so big, YOU have to change. YOU have to face it. YOU have to HANDLE it. It’s painful. It doesn’t seem fair. But when you look BACK, you get it.

Published by blakhopela

Life coach! Organizer! Speaker!

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