I Stopped Trying to Figure Out People

Cheese and Crackers! People can be a TRIP! I can Be a TRIP too. That’s why over the last few years I have stopped trying to figure out people and why they do anything.

EVERYONE comes into every situation differently. We all come in with our own lives and life experiences. We come in with what we know and learned. Each of our mental states could be rated from 1 to 1000. People do and say things that I would NEVER do or say. I had to stop placing my expectations on others. 9 times out of 10 they fell short.

I would have a great exchange with someone then afterwards…nothing. Relationships I had for a long time, changed in an instant by an action from them or me. Now we aren’t talking. On the positive side, I have people who come in and out of my life and nothing bad ever happens. I have people who show me respect. SO again, there is no rhyme or reason to peoples thinking.

SO how do we handle this you ask?

Well I try to walk in grace and compassion. I try to meet people where they are at and if they change, decide if I can participate. I don’t partake in bullshit. You will not gaslight me. I keep “reciepts” of behavior. I like facts. I can love someone from afar. I can accept parts of people. I don’t do abuse . Also I am no saint. I’m a big deep personality. I feel deeply and love hard!

Trying to figure out why people do the things they will drive YOU crazy!

Published by blakhopela

Life coach! Organizer! Speaker!

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